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Earth-based Wisdom and Healing: The Native Wisdom Hub Philosophy

Jan 09, 2024

In a world rapidly awakening to the healing potential of ancient amazonian healing experiences, Native Wisdom Hub stands as a beacon of ethical guidance and cultural responsibility. Co-founded and co-run by a family deeply rooted in sacred plant medicine culture, Native Wisdom Hub is committed to fostering earth-based and ceremonial healing with integrity, ethics, and a profound sense of reciprocity. We build bridges with indigenous populations in a bid to restore modern societies, healing colonialism-rooted traumas and repairing cross-cultural relationships.

Embracing the Renaissance of Earth-based Healing

The contemporary surge of interest in earth-based and ceremonial healing is undeniable, and Native Wisdom Hub recognises this global movement. Instead of resisting, we advocate for an approach rooted in ethics, responsibility, and integrity. For us, these principles extend across two vital dimensions: the ethics of caring and trauma-informed space-holding, and cross-cultural ethics, responsibility, and integrity.

Ethics of Caring and Trauma-Informed Practice

Native Wisdom Hub envisions a healing space where practitioners prioritise person-centred care and embrace trauma-informed practices. This commitment reflects a dedication to creating an environment that nurtures individuals on their healing journeys, emphasising respect, empathy, sensitivity, compassion, and understanding.

Cross-Cultural Ethics, Responsibility, and Integrity

The Native Wisdom Hub philosophy extends beyond individual care to address cross-cultural dynamics. Inclusivity of indigenous populations is paramount, providing them a significant space at the table table of conversation - for the long term. This isn't just about cultural responsibility; it's an ecological imperative. Indigenous worldviews, deeply intertwined with nature, offer a pathway to a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence with the planet.

Re-Indigenisation and Nature's Consciousness

Central to Native Wisdom Hub's mission is re-indigenisation — a journey towards recovering sacred stewardship of nature and a sacred relationship with nature's inherent consciousness. Traditional indigenous perspectives see nature as conscious, with each element possessing character and the ability to communicate. The loss of this connection, from many indigenous perspectives, underlies many of the modern world's challenges, including the mental health crises that are so characteristic of today's modern and industrial societies.

Meeting People Where They Are

Recognising the profound nature of our mission, at Native Wisdom Hub, we approach individuals at their own pace. A trauma-informed stance acknowledges that not everyone is ready for an immediate deep dive into nature's magic. The initial focus is on helping individuals foster cohesion, coherence, love, and understanding within themselves, creating a solid foundation for future exploration.

Moving Towards Symbiosis

For those ready to embrace a deeper connection with nature, Native Wisdom Hub provides guidance. The goal is to dissolve the lines of separation between human existence and the natural world, ushering individuals into a state of complete symbiotic merging with nature's wise and benevolent consciousness. In such a state of existence, anything is possible.

Closing Thoughts

As this renaissance of ancient methods and healing unfolds, Native Wisdom Hub is here as a guiding light, helping to steer the movement towards ethics, responsibility, and integrity. Our philosophy, rooted in indigenous reciprocity and honouring, not only promotes individual healing but contributes to a more balanced and sustainable relationship between humanity and the natural world, starting with the wisdom of our indigenous ancestors.

Some of the inspirations for Native Wisdom Hub's lines of thought:

Monica Gagliano, Dennis McKenna, Terence McKenna, Paul Stamets, Jonathon Miller-Weisberger, Jeremy Narby, Jacques Mabit, Mark Plotkin, Richard Evans-Schultes, Wade Davis, and the wisdom keepers of the Shipibo-Konibo, Quechua, Q'ero, Lakota, Maya, Aztec, and Toltec, among many others.

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